Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Battle Royal (2000)

Battle Royal is a Japanese film about a class of highschool age students chosen at random to compete in a killing game until only one is left. Many people called the Hunger Games a rip-off of this movie, and while there are similarities between the plots, the tone is drastically different. This movie is incredibly dark, bloody and sad. The main characters are very likeable, and the villains are very, very, easy to hate, for the most part. Every single character is shown with enough human characteristics that it is not difficult to feel sympathy for the characters. It is clear that the only reason these children have become killers only because of their less than desirable circumstances. Overall this movie is very entertaining, thought provoking, and compelling, and I highly recommend it to fans of The Hunger Games

Scares: 6/10
Overall: 8/10

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