Saturday, July 19, 2014

Restart, Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)

Ok, so this blog has been dormant for quite some time. But now I am done with school and working full time, so I have a lot more free time to watch movies. I'm gonna try to do a post or two a week. Starting with Urban Legends: Bloody Mary.

Urban Legends: Bloody Mary.
This is a passable at best sequel to one of the most beloved 90's slashers. While Urban Legend had a great cast, Bloody Mary could only boast Kate Mara as giving a compelling performance. She out acts all other actors in the film, including a few twice her age. And now shes on House of Cards, her skill was evident in this movie.
Scares in the movie were below average. A few minor creepy sequences existed, but failure to deliver on the build marred most of the movie.
I'll try not to spoil, but a major plot point that affects the life of Sam (Kate Mara) in a huge way is mentioned during the climax, but then never referenced again.

If you are looking for a sequel to Urban Legend, I'd suggest you check out Urban Legend: Final Cut (2000). It's a far more engaging and fun to watch movie, featuring Anthony Anderson in, in my opinion, one of his best roles. While it too is far from art, it is at least far more entertaining.

Scares 4/10
Overall 4/10